Author Archives: Micki Moran

About Micki Moran

Micki Moran is the founding partner of The Child and Family Law Center, Ltd. She dedicates her practice to providing legal assistance to children and families who are in need of representation in the areas of special education, disability law, juvenile and young adult criminal law, abuse and neglect, guardianship, and mental health issues. Micki's practice is founded on the principle that children and their families require and deserve excellent legal representation with a multidisciplinary approach that works with multiple systems of care and creates communities that support and improve the quality of all peoples' lives.

Teens and Drugs

My practice started as a special education law practice. I assumed that I would be dealing with attending IEP’s and due process hearings. That is how it started. As my practice grew, it was clear that the issue of students … Continue reading

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Transition-Assessing Readiness for Life and College as if their Lives Depended on it.

Transition planning is a legal requirement under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. I believe it is one of the central purposes of the access to special education afforded by that law. Yet, at many and indeed most Individual Education … Continue reading

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Help: Do I need an Attorney?

Despite the difficulties some parents encounter, most disputes between school district and parents are resolved without the need for interventions from attorneys. That is the good news. However, as evidenced by my practice that has continued to grow over the … Continue reading

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