High Stakes Testing and Accommodations
With the emphasis on high stakes testing, as well as the intense and overdone competition at many high schools, there is a push back from school districts and a tendency to deny extended time for students with good grades.
It is not uncommon for parents to come to my office for a consultation for help in navigating their child’s need for testing accommodations. Often, the student may present as a very hard-working student who gets good grades but may report that they do very well on their homework and spend an excessive amount of time studying. At some of the more competitive schools this may mean that they spend an average of 4-5 hours per night just to keep up. They are not failing or even on the surface struggling but the effort is disproportionate. Additionally, it is not atypical for their grades on tests to be lower than their homework and other projects outside of a testing situation.
In my office, the student will may say that they studied very hard for the tests and during the test they were frustrated because they were afraid of running out of time or simply were freezing under the pressure of a timed assessment.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Testing Accommodations:
Do I need a current evaluation?
Typically, the answer is yes.
What kind of documentation do I need?
- Recommendations of highly qualified professionals;
- Proof of past testing accommodations;
- Observations by educators;
- Results of psycho-educational or other professional evaluations;
- An applicant’s history of diagnosis
- An applicant’s statement of his or her history regarding testing accommodations
[Note: Not all of these are necessarily required]
Do I need to have an IEP or a 504 Plan to qualify for testing accommodations?
Although a student may have never previously received testing accommodations through an IEP, Section 504 plan or a formal private school policy, she may nevertheless be entitled to extended time for the standardized exam. An absence of formal testing accommodations does not preclude a candidate from receiving testing accommodations.
What accommodations are available on tests?
The need for accommodation type is highly individualized. Some examples of accommodations are as follows:
- Eliminate the use of a scantron
- Extended time
- Oral Testing
- Use of a basic calculator
- Large print test
- Use of a scribe
- Wheelchair access
- Screen Reading Technology
Understood.org: What is the difference between a 504 Plan and an IEP?
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