Endrew F.-What have we learned?

The cases interpreting and applying the Endrew F. standard have continued to grow and expand the definition of what is required of school districts in their effort to provide a free, appropriate education to students.

The following are bullet points and links to what we have learned since the Endrew F. decision and hopefully will provide a blue-print for parents to advocate for students.

  1. The IEP must be individualized. This means that the IEP document must address your child’s unique needs. (high achieving or high ability students are often provided a one size fits all program). This response is common. Schools may state that this is what we have, or this is our program.
  2. The IEP must be reasonably calculated to help your child make progress.
  3. The student must be afforded the opportunity to meet challenging objectives.
  4. A cookie cutter approach to checking the boxes is not going to pass legal muster.
  5. Parent input is essential.
  6. The IEP must be ambitious in light of your child’s circumstances.

How do I make this happen?

  1. Develop an Agenda for the IEP.
  2. Have current data regarding your child’s abilities and functioning.
  3. Have a clear sense of what are the appropriate goals and objectives for your child.
  4. Set the bar appropriately high for your child.
  5. Don’t settle for the response that “this is what we have” or “this is what our school does.”
  6. Be clear about the goals.
  7. Remain calm but firm.

Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District

Americans with Disabilities Act

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About Micki Moran

Micki Moran is the founding partner of The Child and Family Law Center, Ltd. She dedicates her practice to providing legal assistance to children and families who are in need of representation in the areas of special education, disability law, juvenile and young adult criminal law, abuse and neglect, guardianship, and mental health issues. Micki's practice is founded on the principle that children and their families require and deserve excellent legal representation with a multidisciplinary approach that works with multiple systems of care and creates communities that support and improve the quality of all peoples' lives.
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